The Principles were first published in 1999 and have since become an international benchmark for policy makers, investors, companies and other stakeholders around the world.
The partnership with the G20 gives the Principles a global reach and also underlines that they reflect experiences and ambitions of a wide variety of countries at different stages of development and with varied legal systems.
They have also been adopted as one of the key financial stability board standards for sound financial systems and form the basis for the World Bank’s reports on Compliance with Standards and Codes (ROSC) in the field of corporate governance.
The G20/OECD Corporate Governance principles provide a corporate governance framework.
The goal of corporate governance is to help build an environment of trust, transparency and responsibility necessary to foster long-term investment, financial stability and business integrity, thereby supporting stronger growth, and more inclusive societies.
The Principles clearly identify the main building blocks for a sound corporate governance framework and provide practical guidance for their implementation at national level.
Source: Corporate governance: A review of the fundamental practices worldwide, Khaled Otman, January 2022
This edition contains the results of the second revision of the Principles, held in 2014/15.
The basis for the review was the 2004 version of the Principles, which include the shared understanding that a high level of transparency, accountability, board oversight and respect for shareholder rights and the role of key stakeholders is part of the foundation of a well-functioning corporate governance system.
These core values have been maintained and strengthened to reflect experiences since 2004 and ensure the continuous high quality, relevance and usefulness of the Principles.
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