In 2024, the outlook for economic growth remained divergent: strong in the US, stagnant in Europe, and below target in...
Read moreThematic investments have gained interest and importance in recent years. We believe that the correct management of personal financial investments...
Read moreGood performance, absolute and relative, of the US stock market, and of the investment quality bonds of developed countries, as...
Read morePreference for the US stock market, as a result of forecasts for economic growth, trade policies and geopolitical risk. Projections...
Read moreAfter two years of hiking, the Fed began to lower interest rates, following the ECB. The most recent indicators of...
Read moreThe S&P 500 continues to hit highs, in a cycle that started at the end of 2022, concentrated in the...
Read moreInvesting in the S&P 500 index (cap-weight) is the most common investment for private investors The return on this investment...
Read moreJP Morgan's outlook Robeco's Perspectives Vanguard's Perspectives Charles Schwab's Perspectives Every year, usually in December, the major banks and asset...
Read moreThe Chinese capital market has a very high participation of private or retail investors, with low foreign investment The fall...
Read moreIn the last 3 years, Chinese stocks have lost $3 trillion and 60% of their value, due to risk aversion...
Read more© 2021 - Investorpolis / Powered by Delta Soluções
© 2021 - Investorpolis / Powered by Delta Soluções
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